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Short Features

For short features after Fall 2004, please see the Feature Archives

Fall 2004:

Extramural Education: Students learn about two cultures at a rare Maya site in Guatemala.
Roger That: Justiceworks helps law enforcement with problems.

Spring 2004:

Jam Packed: The ambitious goal of a new research center is to lead in the teaching of franchising.
Business as Unusual: Helping to run a nonprofit takes a different set of skills.

Winter 2004:

The Morning After: Everyone agrees that the riots have to stop. Now the question becomes, how?
Hunt and Peek: Scientists track down how much global-warming carbon dioxide a forest can absorb

Fall 2003:

The Wired Childhood: Does educational software help or hinder learning?
A Week that Changed a Village: In Thailand, UNH students discover an engineering project has unexpected consequences

Spring 2003:

Kate Ludwig Follows Her Bliss: Like chocolate cake, preparing for a senior voice recital is more complicated than one expects
Trolling for History and Science: Old log books and maps are yielding surprising conclusions about fishing in the 1800s

Winter 2003:

Mapping D-Day: Ocean-mapping experts reconstruct what happened on beaches of Normandy.
Along the Ceilidh Trail Stomping out the beat with Cape Breton's hard-driving fiddlers.

Fall 2002:

A Week at Bear Brook: Summer camp is a traditional part of 4-H in New Hampshire.
The Uncertainty Principle: A UNH professor speaks about his famous father.

Spring 2002:

Math Pioneers: Proving the four-color theorem expanded math's frontiers
Running with the Nuns: UNH students give a lift to the children of St. Charles

Winter 2002:

Understanding Islam
Violence as a Religion
Roots of Terrorism

Fall 2001:

Master of Chaos: A UNH mathematician finds a way to capitalize on chaos
Lessons of the Heart: UNH students live and learn in Guatemala

Spring 2001:

How Hollywood Makes History: Learning to separate fact from fiction in films
Invasion of the Bloodsuckers: Will biotechnology control lampreys in the Great Lakes?

Winter 2001:

How Now, Sea Cow?: UNH research helps protect Australia's dugongs

Fall 2000:

Shields Up, Scotty: Coronal mass ejections disrupt communications on Earth
Music from Maple: Summer workshop students learn from a master
Out of the Woods: New Hampshire's loggers tell their own story

Spring 2000:

It's About Sex: UNH students stage a forgotten 18th century play
Secrets and Spies: Professor Douglas Wheeler's History 537 course Espionage in History
The Flounder Roundup: Researchers test underwater farming

Winter 2000:

The Ox Man: Drive oxen and see the world
Opinion Dominion: The Survey Center tracks what we think
Travels With Amy: UNH student's research takes her to the Ukraine

Fall 1999:

College Sneak Preview: Fun, sun and homework at summer youth camps
Arts for the People: UNH students get an immersion in culture
Urban Renewal: UNH-Manchester is reborn on the downtown campus

Spring 1999:

Managers Abroad: Executive MBA program promotes global viewpoint
Heart of New Hampshire: Smithsonian exhibit gives the state a chance to shine
Help for the Front Lines: New Futures tackles substance abuse

Winter 1999:

The Century That Was: A search to define the meaning of our times
Teachable Moments: A search to define the meaning of our times
Casting a 'Net: UNH takes the first steps into cyberspace

Coming soon: Fall 1998

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